

SAETA is a unique, highly concentrated nutritional complex formulation containing Phosphorous (as phosphite ion) and Calcium that move systemically through the vascular system.

SAETA is water-soluble fertilizer containing high assay of readily available Phosphorous and Calcium to supplement plant nutrient needs and to improve root mass production.

SAETA has been formulated in a wettable powder form. SAETA provides a phytototonic affect on treated plants due the phosphorous in form of phosphite ion.

SAETA can be used on soils and/or as a foliar spray, and will provide longer residual effect than similar soluble compounds. SAETA promotes plant vigor and improves yields.

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Aramite is an insecticide-acaricide for use in organic production that contains a blend of natural plant oils, tested and proven to kill and control a broad spectrum of piercing-sucking insects including, but not limited to, mites, aphids, scales, leafminers and whiteflies. It can also control lace bugs, tent caterpillars, bagworms and beetles.

Aramite is an OMRI Listed broad spectrum insecticide-acaricide that acts by contact and translaminar activity. It does not require PHI or reentry interval periods

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Best K is a foliar phosphonate with phosphorous and potassium that has dual action as a fertilizer and as a fungicide.

Best K provides a photonic effect on the treated plants due to the presence of phosphorus as a phosphite ion.

Best K produces an important effect to stimulate root development and commence fruit production. Its use is also important give consistency to crops in the maturation phase.

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Magnet B

MAGNET B is a concentrated, systemic foliar nutrient solution containing certain elements beneficial to plant growth, crop development, crop quality and yield when applied as a properly timed foliar spray.

MAGNET B is a systemic Calcium and Boron, miscible in water.

MAGNET B supplements the nutritional requirements from treated crops and stimulates the production of improved root mass. MAGNET B promotes a phytotonic effect on treated plants.

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Saeta Gold

Saeta Gold is a water soluble fertilizer with systemic properties containing soluble Phosphorous and Calcium to supplement plant nutrient requirements and to improve root mass production and the plant’s structural stability.

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