
Immediate Knockout

Comparable Efficacy to Synthetics

Low Use Rates

Zero Residue

Minimal Protective Equipment

0- Re-entry and Post-Harvest Period

Wetting / Spreading Agent For Use In Organic Production

SURF ORG is a sticker agent approved for use in organic production. SURF ORG is designed specifically for use with any fertilizer or pesticides used on agricultural crops, golf courses, sports turf and residential and commercial lawn applications.

  • OMRI Listed.
  • Improves foliar absorption and stornatal entry of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Improves tank emulsions and dispersion of spray doplets

Mode and Mechanism of Action

Use Rate

16 oz/ac per 100 gal

ARAMITE™ destabilizes and denatures the proteins in the cell wall membranes, as well as those in the ribosomes, mitochondria and nucleus of insects and mites, resulting in electrolyte depletion and cell death.



It is recommended to conduct evaluations 1 to 3 days after application.
  • Offers efficacy comparable to synthetic products.
  • Does not harm the environment.
  • Does not affect beneficial fauna or pollinating bees.
  • Key tool for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and resistance management.
  • Compatible for tank mixing with commonly used crop protection products, including biologicals.
  • Enhances foliar absorption and the penetration of insecticides and acaricides through spiracles.
  • Pleasant cinnamon scent.


Specialty and row crops, including: Corn, Soy Beans, Leafy Vegetables, Cucurbits, Berries, Grapes, Potatoes, Onions, Banana, Pineapples, Fruit and Nut trees


Mites, Thrips, Whiteflies, Aphids, Leafminers


(L / 200 L water)
0.35 to 0.6


It is recommended to apply two consecutive applications. Apply with a water volume that allows maximum application coverage. The use of an adjuvant that enhances application coverage is recommended.

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