
Jaque Mate

JAQUE MATE is a protectant foliar fungicide for use in organic production that controls soil-borne plant diseases such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Verticillium, Fusarium and others. It also suppresses/controls foliar diseases such as Powdery and Downy Mildew, Greasy Spot, Otrytis, Sclerotinia, Alternaria, and others.

JAQUE MATE also works as a fungicide seed treatment. No re-entry interval required.

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CYCLOPS is a protectant foliar fungicide for use in organic production that controls soil-borne plant diseases such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Verticillium, Fusarium and others. It also suppresses/controls foliar diseases such as Powdery and Downy Mildew, Greasy Spot, Otrytis, Sclerotinia, Alternaria, and others.

CYCLOPS also works as a fungicide seed treatment. No re-entry interval required.

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Magnet B

MAGNET B is a concentrated, systemic foliar nutrient solution containing certain elements beneficial to plant growth, crop development, crop quality and yield when applied as a properly timed foliar spray.

MAGNET B is a systemic Calcium and Boron, miscible in water.

MAGNET B supplements the nutritional requirements from treated crops and stimulates the production of improved root mass. MAGNET B promotes a phytotonic effect on treated plants.

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Bemix is a unique highly concentrated insecticide activator that improves performance of insecticides and acaricides.

Bemix is an ORGANIC, unique product in its class, with Performance Enhancement Technology and with proven efficacy in activation of and residual control of both contact, systemic and translaminar insecticides and acaricides.

Bemix is not a pesticide, and all its ingredients are exempt from tolerances set by the US EPA on all food crops. Therefore Bemix is not subjected to requirements such as: PHI (Pre harvest interval period), Reentry period, and Import tolerances (residue levels at harvest).

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Saeta Gold

Saeta Gold is a water soluble fertilizer with systemic properties containing soluble Phosphorous and Calcium to supplement plant nutrient requirements and to improve root mass production and the plant’s structural stability.

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Nutri Max AC

NUTRIMAX AC is a balanced nutritional formula with a unique systemic action that moves nutrients throughout the plant. NUTRIMAX AC is immediately available to the plant, reducing stress, and increasing root mass.

NUTRIMAX AC contains increased levels of zinc, manganese, boron, calcium and sulfur to help alleviate crop stress especially when being sprayed with glyphosate or pesticides. Supports higher yields and crop quality, and an earlier harvest when using NUTRIMAX AC.

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Fertilex is a foliar fertilizer that contains a rich micronutrient complex, designed to achieve a balanced of essential nutrients necessary during key growth stages, delivered to the plant with effective systemic action.

Fertilex can be used on a wide variety of crops including vegetables, row and field crops, fruits and nut trees.

Fertilex aids in the development of robust plant system, enabling better resistance when exposed to conditions of biotic & abiotic stress

Fertilex stimulates healthy plant development, improves flower retention, and increases fruit set and color on a variety of crops.

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