Dates: March – May 2019
Aim: Demonstrate the effect of Evergreen in the increase of root mass and seedling emergence.
Location : Telica, Leon, Nicaragua
Farm: Finca La San Lorenzo
Crop: Sugar cane

Evaluated Treatments
The test was developed in Campos Cañeros in León, Nicaragua. The batch was conducted under the same conditions of a Traditional Industrial crop. The experimental design of the trial corresponded to a single demonstrative plot in the final field with an area of 4.0 Mz.
- Treatment 1 (500 cc Evergreen / Barrel 200 Liters Water)
- Treatment 2 (750 cc Evergreen / Barrel 200 Liters of Water)
- Treatment 3 (120 grs Trichomax / Barrel 200 Liters of Water) (FINCA)
Variables Studied
- Root Development (Days)
- Plant Emergence (Days)
39 days after application
Dosage: 500 cc / Barrel of water

Dosage: 750 cc / Barrel of water

Dose: 125 g / 200 L water

Evergreen vs Trichomax


After observing the behavior of the different Treatments, we can conclude the following:
The treatment Evergreen 3.75 cc / Liter of Water (750 cc / Barrel of Water), showed the best performance, had the highest number of Stems / Mts, the one that obtained the largest size of the plants and the one with the greatest rooting, obtaining the first roots at 8 DAA and at 15 DAA the emergence of the seedlings. The Product used by the Farm (Trichomax) was the one that took the longest to emit roots and emerge .
Ing. Gerardo Meléndez R, Commercial Technical Representative of ExcelAg Nicaragua