

NEMAKILL is an OMRI listed nematicide for use in organic production to control soil nematodes on food and non-food crops. NEMAKILL is made of natural oils and acts directly when in contact with the insect. NEMAKILL is an effective product to enhance the action of pesticides and fertilizers when they are used in a mixture.

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FENDER is an nematicide for use in organic production to control soil nematodes on food and non-food crops. FENDER is made of natural oils and acts directly when in contact with the insect. FENDER is an effective product to enhance the action of pesticides and fertilizers when they are used in a mixture.

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Aramite is an insecticide-acaricide for use in organic production that contains a blend of natural plant oils, tested and proven to kill and control a broad spectrum of piercing-sucking insects including, but not limited to, mites, aphids, scales, leafminers and whiteflies. It can also control lace bugs, tent caterpillars, bagworms and beetles.

Aramite is an OMRI Listed broad spectrum insecticide-acaricide that acts by contact and translaminar activity. It does not require PHI or reentry interval periods

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Slam Org

SLAM Org™ is a new generation organic bactericide-fungicide. SLAM Org™ controls various bacterial diseases caused by pseudomonas syringae, xhantomonas sp., and agrobacterium sp. Some of these diseases are responsible for leaf blight, leaf spot, leaf speck and various forms of tumors called galls.

SLAM Org™ must be used prior to flowering stage and should not be used after that stage. Although SLAM Org™ is compatible with most available pesticides, it is highly recommended to perform a compatibility test prior to use.

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Jaque Mate

JAQUE MATE is a protectant foliar fungicide for use in organic production that controls soil-borne plant diseases such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Verticillium, Fusarium and others. It also suppresses/controls foliar diseases such as Powdery and Downy Mildew, Greasy Spot, Otrytis, Sclerotinia, Alternaria, and others.

JAQUE MATE also works as a fungicide seed treatment. No re-entry interval required.

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CYCLOPS is a protectant foliar fungicide for use in organic production that controls soil-borne plant diseases such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, Verticillium, Fusarium and others. It also suppresses/controls foliar diseases such as Powdery and Downy Mildew, Greasy Spot, Otrytis, Sclerotinia, Alternaria, and others.

CYCLOPS also works as a fungicide seed treatment. No re-entry interval required.

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Bemix is a unique highly concentrated insecticide activator that improves performance of insecticides and acaricides.

Bemix is an ORGANIC, unique product in its class, with Performance Enhancement Technology and with proven efficacy in activation of and residual control of both contact, systemic and translaminar insecticides and acaricides.

Bemix is not a pesticide, and all its ingredients are exempt from tolerances set by the US EPA on all food crops. Therefore Bemix is not subjected to requirements such as: PHI (Pre harvest interval period), Reentry period, and Import tolerances (residue levels at harvest).

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Seed Soak

SeedSoak with Evergreen is a special nutritional formulation specifically designed for seeds. It is a water soluble fertilizer with a package of systemic nutritional elements which contains N-P-K and macro and micro elements.

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Evergreen Org

EVERGREEN ORG is an OMRI Listed 3-3-3 nutritional complex containing 5% calcium, and other natural vitamins, minerals, and growth stimulants for use in organic production

EVERGREEN ORG can be used on a wide variety of crops such as vegetables, row and field crops, fruit and nut trees.

EVERGREEN ORG is the organic alternative to our conventional complete nutrition package EVERGREEN, providing the same benefits with the same application rate.

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