
Immediate Knockout

Comparable Efficacy to Synthetics

Low Use Rates

Zero Residue

Minimal Protective Equipment

0- Re-entry and Post-Harvest Period

Foliar fertilizer to improve plant health & increase flowering

MAGNET B is a concentrated, systemic foliar nutrient solution containing certain elements beneficial to plant growth, crop development, crop quality and yield when applied as a properly timed foliar spray.

MAGNET B is a systemic Calcium and Boron, miscible in water.

MAGNET B supplements the nutritional requirements from treated crops and stimulates the production of improved root mass. MAGNET B promotes a phytotonic effect on treated plants.

  • Double mode of action: fertilizer & stimulator of plant’s natural defense mechanisms
  • Effective translocation of Boron and Calcium, which are normally of slow mobility & low absorption
  • Superior formulation: because it has been designed to improve residual activity & reduce pH variations to prevent plant damage
  • High concentration of effective nutrients allows for lower application rates
  • Reduces plant stress
  • Reduces abortion and enhances flower & fruit set

Mode and Mechanism of Action


A broad variety of crops including Wheat, Alfalfa, Pastures, Field Corn, Sweet Corn, Soybeans, Beans, Peas, Sorghum, Oat, Sugar Cane, Vegetable Root Bulb or Tuber Crops (Potatoes, Onions, etc.) Tomatoes, Peppers, Leafy Vegetables (Lettuce, Spinach, Cauliflower, Broccoli, etc), Cucurbits (Melons, Watermelon, Squash, Zucchini, etc.), Table Grapes and Wine Grapes, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Cranberries, Kiwi, Pome Fruits (Apples, Pears, etc.), Stone Fruits (Plums, Nectarines, etc.) Citrus, Avocadoes, Rice, Asparagus, Okra, Nut Crops (Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, etc), Olives, Ornamentals, Landscape.

Use Rate

24 – 32oz/ac

ARAMITE™ destabilizes and denatures the proteins in the cell wall membranes, as well as those in the ribosomes, mitochondria and nucleus of insects and mites, resulting in electrolyte depletion and cell death.



It is recommended to conduct evaluations 1 to 3 days after application.
  • Offers efficacy comparable to synthetic products.
  • Does not harm the environment.
  • Does not affect beneficial fauna or pollinating bees.
  • Key tool for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and resistance management.
  • Compatible for tank mixing with commonly used crop protection products, including biologicals.
  • Enhances foliar absorption and the penetration of insecticides and acaricides through spiracles.
  • Pleasant cinnamon scent.


Specialty and row crops, including: Corn, Soy Beans, Leafy Vegetables, Cucurbits, Berries, Grapes, Potatoes, Onions, Banana, Pineapples, Fruit and Nut trees


Mites, Thrips, Whiteflies, Aphids, Leafminers


(L / 200 L water)
0.35 to 0.6


It is recommended to apply two consecutive applications. Apply with a water volume that allows maximum application coverage. The use of an adjuvant that enhances application coverage is recommended.

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