Jaque Mate Efficacy in Okra

Date: July, 2019

Goal: To validate the efficacy and profitability of the Jaque Mate fungicide for the suppression and prevention of Powdery Mildew in the cultivation of Indian variety Okra.

Location: Cuasa, Honduras

Crop: Okra


Lot 201-02 had a high pressure of Powdery Mildew, for which an application was made throughout the lot with Sensei 40 WP (Myclobutanil, curative / preventive) at a dose of 120 grams / 200 liters of water. To compare the preventive versus curative effect, a rotating application of:


The treated plot has 6% less incidence compared to the control (without Checkmate) in the first 7 days

The infestation in the commercial control was significantly higher (plants with a greater number of diseased leaves and new diseased tissues)

Conclusions and recommendations

Important : good product coverage throughout the plant.

Hector Matamoros, Agricultural Engineer ExcelAg Corp.

Email: hmatamoros@excelag.com
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