MicroRx ORG
MICRORX ORG is an organic nutritional micronutrient complex with key levels of magnesium, sulfur, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc.
MICRORX ORG is an organic nutritional micronutrient complex with key levels of magnesium, sulfur, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc.
FOSFI-K ORG is a water-soluble nutritional complex containing Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and Calcium.
A unique insecticide designed for use on insects in the larvael stage. Especially effective against armyworms and loopers.
KOMPAT ORG is a unique blend of special nonionic surfactants, acidifying agents and penetrating adjuvants. The addition of KOMPAT ORG to a spray tank mixture improves pesticide applications by modifying the deposition and wetting characteristics of the spray solution and adjusting the pH of alkaline waters. KOMPAT ORG will also enhance compatibility in some tank mixes where more than one pesticide is used.
BRAVADO is an insecticide-acaricide for use in organic production that contains a blend of natural plant oils, tested and proven to kill and control a broad spectrum of piercing-sucking insects including, but not limited to, mites, aphids, scales, leafminers and whiteflies. It can also control lace bugs, tent caterpillars, bagworms and beetles.
MUSTANG is a product with ExcelAg technology that has been formulated based on calcium silicate and potassium in an aqueous solution, which when applied to the crop contributes to increasing plant development and yields, providing calcium, silica, and potassium.
SURF ORG is a sticker agent approved for use in organic production. SURF ORG is designed specifically for use with any fertilizer or pesticides used on agricultural crops, golf courses, sports turf and residential and commercial lawn applications.
Is a highly concentrated and absorbable liquid boron and molybdenum micronutrient fertilizer.
BACTREX is a contact organic bactericide that controls Pseudomonas sp., Xanthomonas sp., Erwinia sp., and other gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. No re-entry or pre-harvest intervals required. BACTREX acts by contact activity. BACTREX can be used in combination and/or rotation with other products and as part of an effective resistance management program.
HUMIPLANT™ effectively restores the soil’s chemical, biological and physical properties making the nutrients in the soil more available for plant uptake. Humic & fulvic acid applied to clay soils breaks up compaction and allows for water penetration. When applied to sandy soils it will add essential organic material necessary for water retention. Fulvic acid also contributes to the conversion of minerals from insoluble to a soluble form that plants can use.